On 18th January we held our annual general meeting. The venue was St James’ Church and around 20 local residents attended.

The meeting started with a vote to change the name of the organisation from Tredworth Estates, Tenants and Residents Association (TETRA) to Tredworth Residents Association (TRA). The motion was carried – so we are now TRA!

Next, the chair Tony Ward and treasurer Tim Rees recapped on what the residents association achieved in 2023. Highlights of the year included the street party and lantern procession.

The committee then stood down and a new committee was elected. The committee for the next year is:
• Chair: Tim Rees
• Vice Chair: Karen Page
• Treasurer: Anthony Saunders
• Secretary: Alison Thompson

We look forward to carrying on the good work in 2024!

Click here to read the minutes from the AGM.