AGM, Thurs 18 Jan 2024

On 18th January we held our annual general meeting. The venue was St James’ Church and around 20 local residents attended.

The meeting started with a vote to change the name of the organisation from Tredworth Estates, Tenants and Residents Association (TETRA) to Tredworth Residents Association (TRA). The motion was carried – so we are now TRA!

Next, the chair Tony Ward and treasurer Tim Rees recapped on what the residents association achieved in 2023. Highlights of the year included the street party and lantern procession.

The committee then stood down and a new committee was elected. The committee for the next year is:
• Chair: Tim Rees
• Vice Chair: Karen Page
• Treasurer: Anthony Saunders
• Secretary: Alison Thompson

We look forward to carrying on the good work in 2024!

Click here to read the minutes from the AGM.

Public Meeting: Thurs 14 Dec 2023

Tredworth Residents Association held a public meeting on Thurs 14 December at Kingfisher Church. Unfortunately a combination of the weather, the location, the proximity to Christmas and a delay in promoting the meeting meant turnout was very low. However, with local councillors and representatives from the police and city council present, it was a useful opportunity to discuss some of the issue troubling residents and ask for support.

Public Meeting: Thurs 14 September

The residents association held its first public meeting for a long while and it was a great success. Around 40 residents, including local councillors, met at The Treddy and discussed concerns including flytipping, parking and anti-social behaviour. Although TRA can’t offer any instant solutions, we are considering everything that was discussed and will spend time reflecting on the different concerns raised and how we can support them. One idea could be to have sub-groups to focus on, for example, anti-social behaviour or parking, so do let us know if you have a specific area you would like to be involved in.

It was great to see how many people are supportive of the residents association and we hope to hold regular meetings from now on.

You can read a copy of the minutes here.